Booking respite sessions with the Little Havens Community Team

Please complete the form below to request day respite sessions from the Little Havens Community Team.

Please note your respite session/s are not confirmed until someone from Little Havens contacts you to confirm, this is to ensure slots are allocated fairly to as many families as possible. 

If any member of your household has COIVD symptoms or has tested positive for COVID, please notify your carer of contact Little Havens to make them aware. To reduce the risk of cross-infection for other vulnerable children and young people, respite care will be cancelled.

Home Respite can resume after five days if the person who is COIVD positive feels well and does not have a high temperature, or tests negative.

  • Please include here the dates, and times, you would like to receive home respite care.

If you'd like to find out how we use your information you can read our Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions you can contact us or call 01702 220 345.