Fair Havens nursing assistants talking to a relative

Making a complaint

Here at Havens Hospices, we take complaints seriously and will always investigate feedback in order to improve our care and services.

We are doing more to encourage comments about our services. Your compliments, suggestions or complaints help us ensure the quality of our care is maintained at a high standard. If a problem does arise, we work hard to put it right as soon as we can.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone - this includes people receiving or have received care or services from Havens Hospices, people who participate in fundraising, and people who see the charity in the community. If you are unable to do this yourself, then you can ask a relative or close friend to complain on your behalf.

Please rest assured that raising concerns or making a complaint will not affect the care you receive from the charity.

How can I make a complaint?

If you have a concern about the service you receive, you can raise this verbally with any member of staff.

If you wish to make a written complaint, you can write directly to Chief Executive Officer, Havens Hospices, 226 Priory Crescent, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 6PR or email info@havenshospices.org.uk marking 'Complaint' in the subject line. 

What happens to my complaint?

We endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 48 hours and may request further information from you whilst we investigate.

What if I am not happy with the findings?

If you find the response unsatisfactory then you may write directly to Chair of Trustees, Havens Hospices, 226 Priory Crescent, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 6PR.

We have a designated ‘Freedom to Speak’ guardian who can be contacted by anyone who has concerns about the charity and its care. They can be contacted on freedomtospeak@havenshospices.org.uk

Complaints about our care can be directed to the Care Quality Commission if a resolution is not agreed.

Complaints about our fundraising can be directed to the Fundraising Regulator if a resolution is not agreed.


If you have a safeguarding concern, full details can be found here.

Privacy and Data

The Havens Hospices Privacy Notice can be found here, which explains what personal information we collect, how it is stored and how it is used. Any concerns around personal data can be addressed to dataprotection@havenshospices.org.uk

Requests for personal care records can be made to our Caldicott Guardian Dr Rachael Marchant by contacting caldicottguardian@havenshospices.org.uk

For more information on patient data please visit www.understandingpatientdata.org.uk

If you wish for Havens Hospices to stop sending you information about fundraising, you can fill in this form. You can also contact the Fundraising Preference Service which can contact the charities on your behalf.