Little boy in sensory room at Little Havens with a health care assistant

Family Area

This area of our website is dedicated to the families, children and young people receiving care from Little Havens.

Here you will find updates about our care, bookings for activities and signposting to other useful services. 

Please note activities and services mentioned here are only available to families who are known to Little Havens and have been accepted for care. 

If you have any questions, concerns or need support completing online forms and bookings please call the Care Team on 01702 552 200 or email


Events and Activities

There are lots of activities for the whole family to get involved in, such as booking a visit to our Multi-Sensory Room or attending one of our events. 

Information Hub

Here, you will find information about helplines, wish granting and memory-making organisations, plus information on holidays, grants and more.

Forms and Documents

Here you will find important documents and leaflets about our care and other services. This page will also feature forms you can print and complete at home before visiting the hospice. 

Request Day Stays (respite)

Day respite (or ‘day stays’) are available to children and young people up to the age of 25 and can be requested in advance online or by contacting the Care Team.

Transition Support

Our 'Transition Zone' is dedicated to young people (14-25yr) and their families.  This area will be growing with more activities, videos and signposting for families

Family Voices

Come along to our family engagement group – Family Voices - to stay up to date with things happening at Little Havens, share your views and shape our services.


Buddy Scheme 

Would you like to meet a family who has experienced our care for many years?

We know receiving care and support from Little Havens can be daunting and sometimes this puts families off accessing support they need and want. Our ‘Buddy Scheme’ involves linking you - a new family to Little Havens - with someone who has experienced our care. This can be over the phone or email, for you to make contact and ask them any questions you might have.

Every family is different, and we will leave the relationship to the pair of you, you may just exchange a few messages to answer some questions, or you could meet at the hospice

By being able to connect a new family with someone who has experienced our care we hope to be able to ease any anxiety and worries. No one understands your life, your challenges and concerns better than someone who has experienced it themselves. 

If you’d like to be connected with a buddy family please let us know by emailing

Two people sat in a room talking

Care at Little Havens

Wellbeing Support

Our Wellbeing Team provides support for children and families who have been referred to Little Havens.

We offer a range of therapies, help with accessing benefits and local services, and emotional, mental health, social, and spiritual support.

Families wishing to access support from the Wellbeing Team can request a Little Havens Care or Wellbeing Team member to refer them for support. Families can also make a self-referral by emailing

Brother and sister sat together

Care at Little Havens

Activities for young people

We know young people often want to meet others in similar situations, so we have a range of activities specifically for young people aged 14+. This includes weekend social events where young adults and their parents/carers can have fun, meet others and learn about important topics affecting their care as they transition to adult services. We also have a youth group for young people and their siblings, which regularly goes out on day trips like laser tag or bowling. Booking in advanced required, please call the Care Team or book online.

Family sat outside together

Care at Little Havens

Saturday Socials & Cosy Sundays

A chance for your family to visit the hospice and use our facilities at the weekend. Saturday Socials are a chance to come and use our facilities and take part in activities. Cosy Sundays are a quieter opportunity for a couple of families to visit and have a roast dinner. Booking in advanced required, please call the Care Team or book online.

Lucy and her mum sat in ball pit at Little Havens

Care at Little Havens


Our weekly Stay’n’Play group is for children aged seven and under (plus siblings) and is a chance to meet other children and families supported by Little Havens. Activities include soft play, arts and crafts and story times. The group runs most Tuesdays from 10am – 2pm and lunch is provided. Booking in advanced required, please call the Care Team or book online

Lennie and Rachel sat playing the drums

Care at Little Havens

Music Therapy

Our Music Therapy service is open to all children cared for by Little Havens.

We have monthly sessions at the hospice that the whole family can attend, including a monthly Sensory Storytime, Friday play-n-sing-along group and online music therapy. Booking in advanced required, please call the Care Team or book online.

Arizona's family going around the garden

Care at Little Havens

Visiting our facilities

Families can book to use the facilities at Little Havens, for example the sensory room, garden or bath. Please contact us at any time, we may be able to accommodate a visit on the same day.

Child having a story read to her in bed

Care at Little Havens


To provide care which suits the needs of the child and family in the best way possible, we meet with families to learn about your needs, hopes and what is most important to you and agree on a plan of care together which might include 'Day Stay' respite sessions or overnight respite breaks to provides an opportunity to rest and recharge.

Mya having respite at home

Care at Little Havens

Little Havens Community Team

To provide care which suits the needs of the child and family in the best way possible, we meet with families to learn about their needs, hopes and what is most important to them and agree on a plan of care together, which might include care at home.

Our Little Havens Community Team provide nursing support and respite care for your child in your own home so you can have a much-needed break.

Share your story of Little Havens

Could you be a family speaker for Little Havens?

Food at Little Havens

Do you wonder what is for lunch at Little Havens? Take a look at our current catering menu at Little Havens here.