Self Care Stays at Little Havens 

We're delighted to offer families the opportunity for a self-care stay. This is a chance for you and your family to enjoy our facilities and local area outside of a planned respite stay. Please take a moment to review the guidelines below to ensure your stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible:

Booking Your Stay:

  • Families can request self-care stays through our bookings team
  • We'll coordinate with our housekeeping and facilities teams to ensure availability. Our aim is never to cancel self-care stays but in exceptional circumstances these may be cancelled if Little Havens is at capacity and no rooms/beds are available, as resident children for respite will be prioritised.

Preparation and Planning:

  • Families will be required to complete a short ‘parent / carer responsibility contract’ which outlines important information including equipment usage and fire procedures.
  • Any member of the immediate household is welcome to stay, or adults/carers can stay in their place.

During Your Stay:

  • The child or young person must sleep in a bedroom on the care floor during the stay.
  • One parent/carer must stay in the same room as the child or young person on the care floor. Other parents/carers and siblings will be provided family accommodation upstairs
  • Families will receive a swipe card for building access. Please be mindful of other families and children when accessing the Care Floor, we ask you return to Little Havens no later than 9pm when coming onto the Care Floor.
  • You can make use of all our facilities, but please coordinate with our Care Team when using things such as the bathroom to ensure they are available.
  • Meals can be provided and must be pre-ordered through the kitchen by 10:30 am.  For paid carers, meals can be purchased through our catering team.
  • Bedding and towels will be provided, but please bring any other necessary items for your stay.

Safety and Responsibilities:

  • Medication must be stored in bedside lockers and locked away, families will be provided with a key for this which must be returned at the end of the stay.  Any medication stored in a fridge or within the drugs room must be labelled and Care Team will complete an audit upon arrival and discharge.
  • Parents/carers are responsible for evacuation procedures in the event of a fire, following our fire evacuation procedure that you will be reminded of when you arrive.
  • We ask that you behave in a respectful way, and continue to adhere to our values and guidelines as if you were at Little Havens for normal respite or activities.