young girl in a wheelchair with a chest strap and smiling

Children and young people's yoga

Special Yoga

We are excited to be offering our Little Havens babies, children and young people the opportunity to take part in Special yoga sessions held at Little Havens.

This course is designed for children and young adults of any age. The sessions are 30-45 minutes long and will be led by Amy Williams who is one of our Care Team members - who is a trained Special yoga practitioner and has many years’ experience working within the hospice.

These sessions will be held on a 1:1 basis at the hospice, parents and carers can use this as an opportunity to be there to watch or take a well-earned break for that time. During the sessions Amy will use hands on and hands off techniques to explore different physical yoga poses, breathwork, music sound and rhythm and mindfulness.

We understand that all children are unique therefore Amy will be assessing the children on an individual basis and tailoring the session to them, meeting the needs of the child/young adult to where they are on that day.

If you would like to attend this course, please complete the form below to register your interest. Someone from Little Havens will then contact you to confirm your space.

Once you are booked to attend the course you will receive a phone call to discuss individual needs of your family, to help create your own special yoga practice.