Fair Havens is the only place in the area wholly dedicated to caring for those with complex or incurable conditions
If a hospital diagnosis has been given which means a person’s life will be limited or threatened by illness, then Fair Havens may be able to help through its various care services. These include Fair Havens Hub and Fair Havens Community Team.
Although a referral can be made direct to the hospice by a patient or carer, we do recommend that a professional involved in the patient’s care make the initial contact. This way Fair Havens has all the medical information needed to consider the referral.
Anyone making a referral must have the consent of the patient.
Please ask your GP or a healthcare professional to call 01702 220 350 for further information and support to make a referral.
Fair Havens will accept patients in line with the following criteria:
Patients between the ages of 16-19 may be considered for admission if they are in the process of transitioning from children’s services to adult services and are already known to Little Havens or other adult palliative care services.
Our Fair Havens Community Team can offer care within a patient’s own home, telephone support or regular visits to our Fair Havens Hub.
They can be contacted directly on 01702 220 350 and choose Option One. Telephone referrals are accepted for this type of care.