Following government advice around mass gatherings, Havens Hospices has made the decision to postpone the following fundraising events until further notice:
This includes:
- Havens to Havens Walk
- Clay Pigeon Shoot at The Fennes
- Southend Half Marathon and 3K Family Fun Run
- Ascot with a Twist Ladies Day
- Ascot with a Twist
- Corporate Golf Day
- Southend Triathlon
The Dino Trail event which was due to take place on Sunday 29th March is now due to take place on 12th July 2020.
Pedal for The J’s will now be a ‘virtual event’ where we will be asking participants to compete in the event virtually online but in their own time. More details about this will follow once confirmed and participants who have already signed up will be contacted in due course via email.
If you have already registered for any of these events, you are entitled to:
- Transfer your registration to the new date
- Defer your registration until next year’s event
- Swap your registration with a friend
- Relinquish your place on the event and donate the registration fee to Havens Hospices
Those who have signed up to these events will receive further information in due course. In the meantime, we ask that you refer to each specific event’s terms and conditions.
If you have already gathered sponsorship, either online or offline, and you do not intend to take part in a rescheduled date:
- Ask your sponsors’ permission to still donate the sponsorship to Havens Hospices
- If you have used JustGiving, there is advice on the site about offering refunds
Judy Grocott, Voluntary Income Manger says, “Whilst we understand the rationale behind this decision, it is still upsetting for our dedicated Fundraising Team who put so much time and effort into creating great events to not only raise money for the charity but also create lasting memories for our participants. Our hospice care can only exist because of the support and generosity of our community so thank you to everyone for your understanding and continued support in these times of uncertainty.”
We are currently in the process of contacting all those who have signed up to the above events, but it would really help if you’re able to share this message with friends and family you know have registered for an event taking place this year. We can assure you that we will send an update with revised plans regarding each individual event as soon as we have confirmed final dates and details.
We also need to be honest about the impact these postponements will have on our income. As a charity who provides all its hospice care completely free of charge, we rely on the generosity and kindness of our supporters to make sure this continues. With demand for our care set to increase, we must do all we can to still keep raising money.
The good news is that there are still ways that you can help make this happen, no matter how big or small your contribution:
- Set up a small regular donation – just £5 a month will help us plan our care for months to come
- Sign up to our Havens Hospices Lottery – only £1 a week with a chance of winning up to £10,000!
- Leave a gift on your Will – this won’t cost you a penny now, but will ensure your legacy continues with Havens Hospices after you have died
- Sign up to a fundraising event later in the year – keep an eye on our website as we’re looking at exciting and innovative ways to raise money and still support Havens Hospices
- Buy some items in our Charity Shops – they are currently still open but we recommend ringing the shop in advanced to check.
We will be posting regular updates about the impact of Coronavirus on our hospice care services and fundraising efforts on our social media channels and on our website, here.