Gift Aid for donations to our charity shops

Retail Gift Aid Agreement

If you sign up to GiftAid, it means that for every £1 we raise from the sale of your goods, we can claim a further 25p from HM Revenue and Customs.

By signing this form you are agreeing that:

  1. You are appointing Havens Hospices Trading Company to act as your agent on your behalf in attempting to sell or dispose of the goods that you bring into the shop. Where goods are sold, a commission, which is currently 5% of the sale price + VAT, will be charged for this service and deducted from the proceeds of sale.
  2. You own all of the goods that you bring into the shop for sale, you obtained them in a legal manner and you are not acting as a business. You agree that neither Havens Hospices Trading Company nor Havens Hospices will be responsible for any loss or damage to any goods brought into the shop for sale.
  3. You confirm that Havens Hospices Trading Company is instructed, as your agent, to donate the net proceeds of sale of your goods to Havens Hospices and it is not necessary to write to you to confirm the donations, provided that the total value of the net proceeds of sale of your goods so far in that tax year has not exceeded £1000 (or such higher amount as is specified by HM Revenue and Customs from time to time). Once a sale is made that brings the total value of the net proceeds of sale of your goods to more than £1000 (or such higher amount as is specified by HM Revenue and Customs from time to time), we must first write to you to confirm your consent to those funds over and above the initial £1000 being donated. You may notify us in writing at any time (at address stated at the bottom of this agreement), if you no longer want this arrangement to apply.
  4. You are a UK tax payer and understand that if you pay less income tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
  5. If we are unable to sell any of your goods Havens Hospices Trading Company is authorised to transfer ownership to Havens Hospices Trading Company.
  6. You will let us know should you no longer pay enough tax to cover the donation or change your contact details.
  7. You waive the right to claim interest that may have accrued on any cash you decide to reclaim from the sale of the items.
  8. Either you or we may terminate this agreement at any time by written notice. We may vary the terms of this agreement at any time by written notice to you.

"*" indicates required fields

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DD slash MM slash YYYY
I am happy to be contacted by Havens Hospices by:

You’re in charge of what information Havens Hospices has about you, and what you want to receive from the charity. Everything is laid out in our Privacy Policy which you can read on our website. But you can change how we contact you by emailing, visiting or calling 01702 220 345. *Havens Hospices is legally obliged by HMRC to send you a GiftAid statement regardless of your mailing options above. If you need to contact us at any time, you can do so by phone at 01268 760 444 or in writing by post at Havens Hospices Trading Company, Suite 3 Woodland Place, Hurricane Way, Wickford, Essex, SS11 8YB or email at Don’t forget to let us know if any of your details or circumstances change!